Adjuvate BrakeClean
Adjuvate BrakeClean is a hydrocarbon based solvent designed specifically as an efficient degreaser for automotive brakes and parts.
The product evaporates quickly leaving little to no residue on the parts being cleaned. BrakeClean also finds use in spot or surface cleaning and as a concrete cleaner in automotive workshops.
Adjuvate GPSOL
General purpose solvent for sealer applications
Adjuvate GPSOL is a strong aromatic solvent specifically formulated to clean and thin the Adjuvate GP Range of concrete sealers. In most instances the product will re-solvate other coatings and can be used to clean application tools before the sealer dries.
Finesse Methylated Spirit
Finesse Methylated Spirits is a cost effective and versatile household cleaner. A denatured alcohol, Methylated Spirits is commonly used as a hard surface cleaner and disinfectant. Non-smearing and miscible in water and hydrocarbon solvents the product is useful as a stain remover and even as a windscreen washer additive.